Being centred suggests calm. Although we often associate calm people with an absence of strong emotion, there is also an element of balance; when we are calm we take things in our stride. When we are calm the seesaw of highs and lows is level, and if it ever begins to tip one way or another it returns easily to the point of balance. To maintain that balance may require constant small adjustments one way or another, so being balanced or calm is an active state that we have to participate in and perhaps deliberately move toward.
What does feeling centred mean for you? How do you feel when you are calm? You can explore this by paying attention to those moments when you do feel centred. What images come to mind? How do you feel physically? What emotions and thoughts do you notice, if any? Make a note of what you discover, and by doing so acknowledge and get to know this helpful state.
Think about whether there are particular activities that help to bring you into a place of calm. Those that have an element of focusing on the body can be helpful; physical activities, like sport, but also those that emphasize creation through art, craft, cooking, or gardening. Activities that have a nurturing element— perhaps planting seeds or growing herbs or flowers—draw us closer to nature's cycles and the lessons they can teach us.
Perhaps being with certain people helps to centre you. If so, who are they?
Noticing how we respond to different activities and people can help us to create an action list that we can turn to when necessary.
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