Tuesday, 21 November 2000

Week 40 - What Stops You Practising

Week 40 Activity


Meditating for even 10 minutes a day can make a huge
difference to how we feel. All the skills we learn "on the
mat" are transferable to everyday life, and yet, even though
we know practice is helpful, there will always be times
when we find it a struggle.

It is usual for practice to go through ups and downs. For the beginner, just knowing that everyone struggles can be helpful; it is also useful to make that struggle an opportunity for practice.

Are you aware of a moment when you make the choice whether to meditate or not? What is the story you tell yourself? What do you notice in the body? Are there any emotions present? Explore your resistance to practising in the head, heart, and body. If you let go of any judgements about not doing it, can you allow that resistance to be present? Can you acknowledge that it is there?

Experiment with what feels achievable. Take a few minutes to sit and ground yourself, and then ask yourself "Can I sit for 40 minutes?" (Start with a big number, since that is more likely to spark a response in the mind and body.) Notice what comes up. Then ask "Can I sit for 30 minutes?" Notice what comes up. Continue in this way, reducing the number and maintaining a sense of curiosity and playfulness. When you reach a number that feels right, your body will tell you. It may be only one minute, and that's okay. Simply start where you are.

Most people try to squeeze their practice into an already crowded day, but most quickly realize that they have to make time to practice. Acknowledging that this is important and that we need to make it a priority will make a difference.

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